Team George Cloud


Good day to you. My name is Joshua George. And this is my website.

About Me

Currently attending WGU in their Cloud Computing Bachelors degree program, with an emphasis on AWS. Have previously completed an AWS/IT Cloud Practitioner Bootcamp through New Apprenticeship and a VR Game Development Bootcamp through UniVerse. I have over 21 years of technical support experience assisting customers and troubleshooting industrial machinery issues. I enjoy helping others resolve issues, learning new technologies, and playing with the newest gadgets and tech. I'm a technophile; be it software, hardware, or other. Forever a student and always striving to learn something new.


AWS s3 Static Hosted Website
Team George Cloud
This is an update of my AWS s3 static website project, this page you are currently on. I registered and purchased a domain from Route 53. Created three s3 buckets. One for, one for, and another for Redirected the s3 to the s3 that hosts the static website. Created a Cloudfront distribution, added certificates to both CNAMES. Changed A records in Route 53 to direct to the distribution and added CNAME records for the certificates. The log bucket catches logs from the distribution.

Added the website to my GitHub repository.

Further updates to the website are pending. ~ Joshua George 7/9/2023

AWS Windows (no sound attached)

Basic AWS Window build and termination. Created a VPC. Created and added a subnet. Created and attached an internet gateway. Edited the routing table to accept all internet traffic. Associated the subnet to the routing table. Created and launched a Windows instance on the subnet. Used Remote Desktop Client to run the Windows instance. Terminated all processes after verification of correct operation. ~ Joshua George 7/6/2023

AWS Linux (no sound attached)

Basic AWS Linux build and termination. Created a VPC. Created and added a subnet. Created and attached an internet gateway. Edited the routing table to accept all internet traffic. Associated the subnet to the routing table. Created and launched the Linux instance on the subnet. Used ssh to run and update the instance. Terminated all processes after verification of correct operation. ~ Joshua George 7/6/2023

AWS CloudFormation/CloudFront Build (with sound)

Using a CloudFormation YAML template to create an S3 Bucket, Bucket Policy, CloudFront Origin Identity Access, Cache Policy, and a Public Distribution. Blocked all public access to the S3 Bucket and made it a Static Host Website. Connected CloudFront to the S3 Bucket via the Bucket Policy. Uploaded a generic index.html and image to the S3 Bucket. Connected to the website via the Cloudfront Domain Name. ~ Joshua George 7/6/2023

AWS Python EC2 Instance Build (with sound)

Using a python script to build an easy user experience to allow the creation of a security group, key pair, and an ec2 instance. Start that instance and attach the security group and key pair. Use that keypair to connect to the instance utilizing CLI ssh port 22. ~ Joshua George 7/6/2023

Unity Projects
Unity Play Projects
The projects linked were completed utilizing the Unity learn platform and was offered by the online training bootcamp This was an online VR bootcamp that utilized Altspace VR, Unity, and C# programming. I completed the UniVerse course 'Intro to Unity and C# Programming '. Assignments came from the Unity 'Create with Code 'and 'Beginner Scripting 'training. Basic components are given to fix, utilize, and update. Liberty was given to tweak as desire. Games are not mobile-ready. ~ Joshua George 7/6/2023
Cow Ninja! Whack A food Balloons Bombs and Booleans Play Fetch Plane Programming Watch Where You 're Going Soccer Scripting Punk Runner Not Exactly Hungry Animals Driver


07/09/2023 ~ Joshua George
Good day to you. This is my first blog post. I don't really have much to say right now other than a disclaimer on this website. I originally built a generic website to accompany the purchase of domain, teamgeorgecloud. I built my portfolio page to aid in acquiring a new job and for the AWS Bootcamp through New Apprenticeship. I have recently taken a foundations course in html, css, and javascript through my WGU studies. So I wanted to start the transition from my portfolio page located on the Carrd platform to my own actual website, built by me and hosted on AWS, for a fraction of the cost of hosting on Carrd. I still have a lot to work to do to this website. Some things are still out of alignment or otherwise unsightly. I'm still waiting on the CloudFront distribution to update with my latest edits. But it's a good start.


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